Gone but not forgotten

Some days it seems like yesterday but it was three years ago this past Thursday that one of God’s best & brightest went home to be with Him. She was like my second mother from the time I was 7 years old. This is the truth - in the 30+ years that I knew her I never heard her say an unkind word to or about anyone. I really believe that she was one of the kindest, most gentle people ever to walk this earth. If I were prone to believing hocus-pocus type stuff (and I’m not) I’d swear she was an angel sent to walk among us. She inspired me to be a better person. I think of her every single day and my heart aches as I grieve the loss of her. But if I close my eyes and let my mind drift I can imagine her approaching the Throne and I hear His voice, “Well done my faithful servant, come and share your Master’s happiness.”