2007 Part III, the wrap-up
Here we go, the end of 2007. I’m going to breeze through this relatively quickly because I have some neat stuff in 2008 to share and really, you’re probably not all that interested anyway.
So it was the beginning of October and we were invited by some good friends to join them at their cabin in Big Bear for the annual Troutfest. Since their kids are home schooled they planned to stop at Riley Farms in Oak Glen to take in the Revolutionary War Adventure. They graciously invited us to accompany them. When Donna first mentioned it to me I wasn’t all that wild about the idea but I figured “when in

I’m thinking of building one of these in the backyard for extracurricular learnin’ by the young’uns when they misbehave.

This guy was amazing, never breaking from character the entire time we were there.

This man is the owner/operator. He clearly sees this as more than a job, he sees it as a calling. Amazing man.

After our Revolutionary adventure we drove up to Big Bear. It was COLD. The wind was blowing and big, dark clouds came in. By
The next morning we rose early and got to the dock and boarded our iceberg, er… ice-covered pontoon boat. Did I mention it was cold? The clouds had moved out and left sparkling clear skies in their wake but it was still blisteringly cold. We cruised to the west end and anchored up. Notice the “smoke on the water” in the background. And the red noses in the foreground.
After an hour or so we had no suspects in custody so we tried another spot. Jack drew first blood for the men.
The ladies weren’t far behind.
Awhile later Pat landed a real hawg but I didn’t get any pictures. Sorry Pat, I’m a loser. After a little more time Jack caught another, Joe got one, I caught a little dink and then we called it a day.
Day number two was fairly uneventful fishing-wise but we did pretty good at the raffle. Jack and Joe both won kid tackle boxes with fishing goodies inside. I won a tackle box (with goodies inside) and a subscription to Western Outdoor News. I was especially happy about the WON subscription. I love to read that thing but I’m just too cheap to spring for a subscription to it (it’s like 40 bucks a year!). Knowing how much I loved it, Sally always got a subscription for me for Christmas. When I opened the envelope and saw the certificate I said to Donna, “Sally’s up in heaven pulling strings for me.” I miss that lady.
October brought Halloween:
November brought a new roof. American Cemwood, a POX on your house! Hey, wanna see what 20 grand looks like?
Before:Not too impressive, is it?
December brought a day pheasant hunting with the boys and Cabela. Cabela has had no formal training but that dog has the skillz. She locked onto an area and wouldn’t leave it, no matter how much I hollered at her. Suddenly she zeroed onto a scrub bush that the boys and I had walked right by several times. She started digging at it and out popped big rooster. I let it get a bit out and dumped it. She was on it before it even hit the ground and brought it back to me. Good dog!

Later that day Donna & I went to drop the boys at my mom’s house. The plan was for us to meet some friends for a date night out. But when I walked into the house… surprise! Donna and my mom had put together a surprise party for my 40th birthday. It’s a little bit creepy walking into a house with a bunch of your friends and family (unexpectedly) standing there yelling something at you. My first thought – “Is this an intervention? I’ll go on a diet, I promise.” It was a great party and some friends that I hadn’t seen in a long time (even since high school) made it.

Check out this cake - shotguns & rifles to spell out my name. Awesome.

Later that month, as most red-blooded Americans do, we got ready to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. This includes spending a small fortune on a tree that barely fits inside our house. Yowzer, this year's was a big'un.
You know, I've gotten a lot of great presents over the years but He is by far the best present I’ve ever gotten. Here’s a few pics from His party.

A week or so later we rocked in the New Year by going to Kiko’s house and feeding our tapeworms. I actually don’t think we rocked in the new year. If I recall correctly, we snored it in because, well, I’m 40 now and I’m old.
Stay tuned for some great stuff in 2008.
Hey, I found your site searching for Cemwood. I have a blog dedicated to educating consumers about the risks of fiber cement roofing materials like Cemwood.
Would you be willing to let me use the picture of your home in my blog and link back to your blog in exchange?
If so, would you just leave a brief comment on my blog giving me permission and I'll get your picture posted and do a write-up about your blog real quick.
Mike Coday
The Hardishake Specialist
No problem, though I don't see a link to your blog. I've got other "before" pictures of the roof if you want them - not pretty!
Oak Glen!?!
We live not too far from there!
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