Advice on women
There's a little girl, Faith, in Jack and Joe's class. Joe has had it bad for Faith since the first day of school last year. And when I say he has it bad, I mean bad. We bumped into her at the school's carnival back in October and it was all he could do to say "hi" to her without throwing up all over himself. Poor lad, he inherited his father's skillz when it comes to dazzling the ladies.
Jack is a different guy altogether. He's got no problem chatting up just about any girl he comes across. At first I thought Jack simply believed that girls are just soft boys but I was wrong. He knows the difference and interacts with them on a totally different level. The kid has a confidence that just will not quit. If I could bottle that I could take over the world in a day.
Last night, an hour or so after putting the boys to bed, I wandered down the hall and found this drawing on the floor next to Joe's bed. To fully appreciate this drawing you must click it so you can see the detail...
At first I thought Joe had written it and I had a difficult time containing my laughter. But when Donna saw it she said, "This is Jack's book, I think he wrote it." Which made it a lot less funny because I'm not going to put up with him clowning on his brother over such a subject. So this morning I took Jack aside and asked, "Did you draw this?" He didn't get his usual guilty grin when he's been caught doing something he knows is wrong and simply replied, "yeah". I started to lecture him about making fun of his brother and hurting his feelings when he interrupted me and said, "Dad, I wasn't making fun of him, I was trying to help. How's he gonna learn if I don't help him?" My reply? "Touche, son."
Jack is a different guy altogether. He's got no problem chatting up just about any girl he comes across. At first I thought Jack simply believed that girls are just soft boys but I was wrong. He knows the difference and interacts with them on a totally different level. The kid has a confidence that just will not quit. If I could bottle that I could take over the world in a day.
Last night, an hour or so after putting the boys to bed, I wandered down the hall and found this drawing on the floor next to Joe's bed. To fully appreciate this drawing you must click it so you can see the detail...