Last night was a difficult night of sleep. I dreamt that
Jason was back at our church and was preaching. He titled his sermon,
“I’m not my hair.” Which to the totally uninitiated probably sounds strange but I imagine it’s some sort of subconscious reference to what I’ve been reading on
Nathan's blog. In my dream, the entire church had been razed and a giant circus-like tent had been erected in the dirt lot. Kinda like those old-time travelling church revivals. Except without the hugging snakes and the occasional attendee falling over from being “slain in the spirit.” In the setting sun there were cars parked as far as the eye could see. A feeling of anxious anticipation filled the air as people streamed across the dirt lot and into the tent. Donna & I were walking with the crowd as we held our sons’ hands. We were all smiles and I felt very content. We entered the tent and, despite the throngs of people, took seats down in the front (hey, we’re the Hodgsons). Within moments, Jason took the stage wearing purple pants, a Caltrans orange shirt, and flip-flops. He set about delivering a blistering sermon. He walked amongst the crowd, Bible in hand, and engaged the people. I was riveted. It’s odd, there were bits and pieces from Jason’s dream sermon that I actually remember from non-dream sermons that he delivered some time ago. Like a discussion of communion and how, no matter what our station in life, we’re all equal when the cup comes to us. We received communion a short while later and then it was time for an intermission. My family & I stood at a table with punch and cookies, chatting with other folks. I felt as though I had been feeding at a heavenly table and the Lord was doing a tremendous work in my heart. I felt like I haven't felt in a long time. And then word began racing through the crowd that Jason’s mic had been unplugged and he was returning to South Dakota. I felt my spirit wilting and I began to weep. Softly at first and then uncontrollably. I woke suddenly, wet with tears.
I don’t know how much longer I can do this.
Man, you and I must be on the same kind of "dream pattern"...we'll have to swap stories.
Who knew that a bean-counting hunter could be so deep?
Hang in there, pardner. Couple more months till the opener and you can go kill sumpin'. That always makes me feel better.
but we gotta talk a little bit about the purple pants and orange shirt thing.
you are a good man charlie brown!
eleven days and counting
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