Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Manly-man in training

Today Donna took the boys to see “Hairspray”. I know, I know. Anyway, after they saw the movie I said to Joe, “So, how did you like the movie?” “Daddy, it was really, really good. You have to see it!” Jack just sort of rolled his eyes. Later, Jack and I were driving in the truck...

“So, Jack, what did you think of that movie?”

I thought it was really stupid.

“How come? What didn’t you like about it?”

The whole thing was just dumb. There’s the movies that I like, and there’s the movies that I don’t like. This movie didn’t have any of the stuff from the movies that I like, it had all the stuff from movies that I don't like. And I’m pretty sure that one of the ladies in the movie was really a man. That’s the kind of stuff they have in movies that I don’t like. There was no guns in it. You can see it if you want but it’s a waste of money.

Man, I love that kid.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm a lucky guy

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Here's a couple pictures from Cody, Wyoming. We went to the rodeo the first night we arrived and we all had a blast. On the walk back to the car Joe said to me, "Daddy, I want to ride one of those bulls." The next day there was a "bullriders only" event with all the country's hotshot bullriders appearing so we decided to take it in. In the concession area this bull was tied up and a couple of bucklebunnies were charging $5 to have your picture taken on it. I told Joe, "Here's your chance, buddy, get on that bull!" He paused and said, "Okay... but you have to come with me." I wonder if Ty Murray's daddy rode with him his first time?

Monday, August 13, 2007

Good times

Friday, August 10, 2007

Photo Friday

Was going through some old photos on my office computer and came across this one from when we were moving into our house 6 years or so ago. They'll probably be in therapy when I show it to their girlfriends someday, but it always cracks me up so here ya go. Love those little monkeys.