Good luck, George!
There is a medical office next door to my firm’s office. One of the doctors is a neurologist and the other is an oncologist. The folks that go in and out of the place are usually old and nearly all of them are in bad shape. I think these doctors are in the business of handling the hard cases. I found this note on the floor of the lobby while waiting for the elevator today. I don’t know what news George got, but I’m glad he has Fran by his side. I feel the same way about my wife. I wonder if she knows that?
(Click the image to embiggen it.)

"embiggen"? Is that a word?
It's a perfectly cromulent word. In the words of Jebediah Springfield, "A noble spirit embiggens even the smallest man."
Fran must have loved it so much that she crumpled it up and dropped it on the floor.
HA!! Actually, it was neatly folded and I wadded it up to throw it away. Funny thought, though. "George, stop handing me this crap, I've got enough on my mind with you circling the drain and all."
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