Till death do us part

Note: names in the following entry have been changed to protect the identities of the parties.
Last week I got a voicemail from a client of mine. I’ve been preparing tax returns for Elvis & Ginger for seven years or so. They were friends before they were clients. Not the kind of friends that we hang out with a lot because schedules and geographical challenges make it too difficult, but we see them at events and keep in touch with them through family. They’re the kind of friends that you don’t see for awhile and then, after seeing them, walk away and think, “Man, it’s been way too long. We’ve got to hook up with them more often.” So last week Ginger called and left me a voicemail that she would appreciate it if I could fax her a copy of her return. She’s got some student loans she’s wanted to refinance for awhile and I figured that was the impetus of her call. We exchanged a couple voicemails but finally connected. Usually Ginger has a bounce in her voice but this time it was conspicuously absent. I told her I’d emailed a copy of her return to her. She was appreciative and then paused. I asked, “So how’s everything?” “Well…. Elvis and I are going to be separating.” And when she said, “going to be separating” it just didn’t have the vibe like it was temporary. It had a permanent tone to it. I felt like I’d been sucker-punched. Elvis and Ginger always seemed like the couple that would go the distance. My heart breaks for them and their family. After considering the whole mess for awhile, I realized that I needed to advise both of them (as their cpa) that if I provide info to one of them, I need to advise the other what info I’d given and when I’d given it (it’s required by our malpractice insurance). I called Elvis but got his voicemail so I left a message. “Hey Elvis, I spoke to Ginger and she told me you’re going to be separating. She requested a copy of your 2004 return and I’ve provided it to her. FYI - if I ever provide info to one party, I’ll be notifying the other. Hope you guys are able to reconcile. I’ll be praying for you.” A short while later, I began to wonder… did Elvis just find out from his beancounter that his wife is giving him the sack? Whether he did or not, 2006 is not starting off well for him.
I'm really glad my job doesn't involve knowing other people's junk. I don't think I could deal with that.
ooooh crap...
Here you go sir, you owe the federal government 25,000 and your wife is leaving you.
have a NICE day.
well, just think...if you work it right you get two clients where there was only one before!
Their pain...your gain.
seriously, though, that sucks.
poor guy.
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