All about me.

1. Statistics.
2. How Americans so gladly give away freedoms won at such a great cost.
3. Women.
1. I love disco (go ahead and laugh, I accept your scorn).
2. I have a birthmark that looks remarkably like Richard Nixon in a very inconspicuous location on my body.
3. Apple vinegar makes me puke.
1. Movie you rented: Donna does most of the renting. Last thing I rented was an old UFC match.
2. Movie you bought: Little Big League (for Joey)
3. Song you listened to: Fade to black (Metallica)
4. CD you bought: I don’t really buy CD’s anymore, just songs from ITunes. I think the last song I bought was My Chemical Romance's “I'm not okay”.
5. TV show you've watched: Denver Broncos work over the Raiders. (Is there actually such a thing as “Raider Pride” anymore?
6. Person you kissed: Jack
7. Person you were thinking of: Same.
1. You have a crush on someone: nahh.
2. You wish you could live somewhere else: Yeah, sometimes. Someplace with good fishing & hunting.
3. You think about suicide: For myself, no. For others, regularly.
4. You believe in online dating: Kooks gotta hookup somehow.
5. You want more piercings: Nothing I have is, or will ever be, pierced.
6. You drink: Soda. Sometimes milk.
7. You do drugs: Advil sometimes.
8. You smoke: Sometimes I smoke fish or venison strips.
9. You like cleaning: I like cleaning shotguns & rifles. Hoppes #9 is an aphrodisiac.
10. You like roller coasters: No.
11. You write in cursive or print: Print. I’m not sure I could write in cursive if asked to.
12. You like soap operas: Being married is all the soap opera I need.
1. Ever cried over a girl: Yes.
2. Ever cried over a boy: My sons.
3. Ever skipped school: Yeah, more in college than high school.
4. Ever lied to someone: Yes.
5. Ever used something other than toilet paper for, you know: Yeah, my roommate & I used the yellow pages because we were too cheap to spring for the Charmin. We got all the way through “Landscapers” before we finally gave in.
6. Ever been in a fist-fight: Yeah. Won some, lost some. Now I’m a lover, not a fighter.
7. Ever been arrested: Detained, handcuffed, but not arrested. It was just The Man tryin’ to keep me down.
8. Ever been dumped: Yes, and number 10 followed closely after.
9. Jumped off a bridge: Yes.
10. Been drunk: Yes.
11. Ever fallen asleep at work: Yeah, when I worked for Huge Aircrash. I was in a union. “When in Rome” kinda thing.
12. Ever been told by a complete stranger that you're hot: yes, but this girl was really drunk. I mean, medically speaking, she should have been dead.
1. Shampoo do you use: Head & shoulders.
2. Shoes do you wear: Wingtips to work, sneakers or boots for yuks.
3. Is your desktop background: Sage flats outside Mammoth.
1. Of times you have been in love: Three. Definitely three.
2. Of times you have had your heart broken: A couple.
3. Of girls you have kissed: I have no idea. Not that many.
4. Of drugs taken illegally: None.
5. Of people you would classify as true, could-trust-with-your-life type friends: 3. I was gonna say 4 but if my demise were imminent and Kiko was on his way to save me he’d probably stop for tacos.
6. Of people I consider my enemies: I don’t think I have any true enemies but none of my friends like me all that much either.
7. Of scars on your body: A dozen or so.
8. Of things in your past that you regret: Too many to count.
I was gonna say 4 but if my demise were imminent and Kiko was on his way to save me he’d probably stop for tacos.
Awesome. Just awesome. Sorry I ain't been around the blogs much. Things are busy.
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